We identify young people with sparkle and we wake do-able and realistic dreams together. We then take hands with all and everyone who would want to be part of this wonderful process, providing mentorship, developing coping skills and creating opportunities toward further studies or jobs through internships.
Twelve years ago we started with two young people, both studying engineering - chemical and civil. The year after that nine students and at present over a hundred students.
With the support of donors like you, Sparklekids have changed the lives of over 120 young people by helping with registration, enrolment and getting up and running at universities and other accredited tertiary institutes.
A true testimony of what we do and what we have achieved came to light at the celebration of 10 years of Sparklekids in 2021. We are proud of what has been accomplished but at the same time humble because it wouldn't been possible without the help os so many and of course the sparkle inside the kids themselfs. In the video below some Sparklekids from the last decade spoke about how Sparklekids influenced their lives.
Just a glimpse
So many stories can be told and Theo is full of stories but he thought it would be good to have it written down so you can read the stories for yourself and absorb and be touched in the heart like we are.
"Thandi says the poverty and hardship were so severe that on cold winter mornings they had to cover their feet in cow dung for a bit of warmth. They had no shoes and good food was a luxury.
Thandi had to drop out of school to look for a better future and ended up in Hermanus. This was where we found her, sitting on an orange crate selling curios to tourists at the Old Harbour Market, earning next to nothing for a day's work.
There was something about this tiny, cheerful and feisty young girl that couldn't be ignored..."
From "Just a Glimpse"
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