To all our wonderful Friends
I think 2022 was one of our most meaningful years so far in the nearly twelve years of Sparklekids – So many good things, as well as a few sad things have happened.
But I really am so grateful for this humbling realisation … That is, a deep sense that Sparklekids chose us, and we are just treading carefully into the footprints laid out beforehand for us.
Where to start!
As always, if it’s not from the Heart, it’s worthless.
The core idea of Sparklekids never changes – Identifying young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and guiding and supporting them towards JOB RELATED Tertiary qualifications in the shortest time possible.
We are so grateful for the many Sparklekids over the years who have long qualified and are now working in their chosen careers, and who still have strong Friendship ties with us – And who are ‘giving back’ and so to let the goodness continue.
Also the wonderful people who have supported us financially over all the years.
As you may know, we never ask for funding – People watch our lives and have seen the results and the ‘sparkle’ of the people we surround ourselves with – And they then open their hearts – This we honour and treasure above all … This trust towards us.
Proud: This Year we have 55 students at OLH

Because of this, Sparklekids as well as Overstrand Learning Hub (Hermanus Varsity) have gone from strength to strength.
As you know, OLH was a direct outflow from Sparklekids, and most of the financial student support to the 38 students came from Sparklekids.
Can you believe this – Out of the 38 students, 53 distinctions for 2022!
World class Foundation Phase Teacher Training – Reflective Education practice towards a B-Ed degree under the watchful eyes of amazing Dr Nici, and 28 highly qualified volunteer Tutors supporting her from the heart.
Distance (Blended) learning, but with hands-on Tutoring – What can be better! As funds allow, we give life changing opportunities for Foundation phase and ECD students to enroll.
In 2023 we will also see a Campus rise up next to the old Synagogue, the Hub – Dearest Elvia, one of our greatest supporters and Friends who passed away at the age of 94 a few months ago set this in motion with her last Donation to Sparklekids – Angie and I miss her every single day.
Sparklekids Npc Holland is now registered in Rotterdam – Wilco and Geesje just took it on themselves to support us by doing this. And because of this, a property will be bought during 2023 in Cape Town for the use of Sparklekids – This is much needed for student accommodation. – Isn’t this amazing!
Sparklekids House in Hermanus donated to us a few years ago by a wonderful Friend from Europe continues to be an enormous blessing to us.
True Spirit!

How is the next story for mind blowing – We connected one of our Sparklekids, Nyasha to a friend of Elvia, a tribal chief in the most rural part of Zimbabwe, an area devastated by Cyclone Idae (Google this please). She dug herself into the community in the true spirit of Sparklekids, lock stock and barrel, and from the Heart – Miracles started to happen almost immediately.
A film crew from Israel-USA heard about this unique place and soon it will be seen on Youtube – The mud and thatch classroom for the little ones is now being replaced by a beautiful ECD structure … with even a toilet – Desks and chairs and stationary started arriving – Seed for vegetable gardens and a chicken coup soon – also a place of Healing after the cyclone devastation – sanitary care for girls –
Much of this around and because of the energy of this young woman.
We support Nyasha as best we can regarding her personal needs, but anyone wanting to make contact with her personally to see some heartwarming photos and to hear more, feel free to contact me for her e-mail or whatsapp details.
Celebrate Dr Sindiwe 80th Birthday

Our old Friend and supporter, Dr Sidiwe turns 80 next year – She is being honoured at Georgia State University in Atlanta – Sindiwe Magona 2023 Conference – Also a Book called Sindiwe’s Gift will be published – Profits from the sale of this book will be donated to Sparklekids – How awesome is this.
Sindiwe … 80! – Still outruns woman half her age – Completed a Phd in 2022 –
Four Honorary Doctorates – She is one of our greatest supporters promoting Sparklekids all over the world.
( Aaaiii, and just for punishment she sinks to gutter level by calling me, Theo, her friend)
Read more on the site of Georgia University
Once a Sparklekid…

Alungile, one of our very first Sparklekids is now one of the directors of SK’s – She got married to Mawethu a dietician a few months ago – Alu is a Secondary School teacher at Qhayiya, but she is also completing a Masters at UCT in Educational Psychology.
She is just such a support and help from within the heart of the Township and School Community – We are proud to have her on board.
We have identified TWELVE young people through Jean and Charlotte at Qhayiya Secondary School who will be some of our new Sparklekids for 2023 –
Bursaries from Abagold and Sparklekids will help them along the way towards job related studies at various Universities across South Africa.
(Charlotte and Jean has been teaching extra Maths classes over the past years at Qhayiya – for the love of it – Two power-house Ladies)
Then Ryno from Finglobal – This solid, substantial and super human being will always put time and resources aside for Sparklekids, especially those studying Finance and B-Com. A better mentor and support you will never find.
He knows that investing in young people is the only way forward.
Joke’ and the Gonggrijp Family and their businesses in Hermanus – We are so proud to be associated with them and the Sluyter Foundation
As they say in the classics – We know far too much about one another not to be Friends – Kkkkkkk!
On a personal note – Angie and I are so grateful that John, our middle son and lovely Taylee, and our bestest and only little grand daughter Amelia are moving from Durban sak en pak to Hermanus – He is going to try get his foot in the door as an anaesthetist working both in Hermanus and over the mountain in Cape Town – Happy happy happy to have all three our Boys under our eyes again!